Our Baby Room
We welcome children from 3 months of age to preschool. Our purpose built baby room is bright and cheerful. It’s a hive of activity. With a ratio of 1 adult to every 3 children, our highly qualified staff provide a personalised service. They cater for each child’s individual needs, physically, emotionally and intellectually. They are as excited about your child’s potential as you are. They recognise their responsibility to you and your child in ensuring that at each stage of their development they are encouraged, provided with appropriate equipment and a diverse range of tasks – and that they are talked to and talked to and talked to.
Each baby is assigned a Key Person. The Key Person’s responsibility is to get to quickly develop a sound knowledge of your child, their routines, likes and dislikes, and any other significant facts. They will liaise closely with you, they will assess your child’s learning and plan for next steps. They will complete detailed observations and assessments which they will share with you and which in turn will inform a Learning Journey for your child.

The Environment
Our Baby Room is a purpose built room designed around the needs of our babies and their early childhood development. The room is cosy, light and self-contained. It includes a kitchen area, a sleeping area, a changing area, a play area and a large, well equipped enclosed outdoor area. Children sleep, eat, play and learn in a lovely environment.
Our Baby Room is equipped with a wide range of materials designed to stimulate our baby’s curiosity and to extend their physical, motor and sensory skills. A wide variety of indoor and outdoor play equipment is also available including educational toys, a large stock of appropriate books, climbing equipment, trundle trucks and bikes, tools and tactile materials.
Educational Development
Your babies’ Physical and Educational development will be in the hands of experienced practitioners. Your baby will be encouraged to sit, crawl, walk, run, climb, babble, talk, sing, shout – and smile, chuckle and belly laugh a lot. Your baby will explore paint, malleable materials, building and construction; rhythm, pitch, timbre; words and pictures.
Parents can either provide their own Baby food from home or purchase delicious home cooked food created on the premises by our experienced cook. Food can be prepared which conforms to the babies and the parents preferences – this may be puréed, mashed or chopped.

We are completely flexible in seamlessly continuing routines from home. We work closely with parents to ensure a babies experience at Shining Stars Nursery and Preschool compliments and build on all that has been nurtured and nourished at home. This close working relationship ensures that children new to the baby room readily settle and are able to quickly begin their learning journey with us.
Wherever possible we replicate your babies existing sleep pattern at home. Our baby room is equipped with an open sleeping area with cots, bedding and comfort toys.
All equipment and bedding is clean and sterilised.